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The Quest for the Cockle Implant

Written by Maya Wasserman


National Deaf Children's Society, 2020


When deaf mermaid Angel loses one of her cockle implants, she and her sister go on an exciting adventure through the sea to find it. Using sign language to communicate, their adventure brings them face-to-face with a monstrous Merkitty.

Will they get past the squid, sharks and strangling seaweed? Will they get Angel’s cockle implant back? And will they get home in time for tea?

The Quest for the Cockle Implant is the result of a storytelling competition run by the National Deaf Children’s Society. The competition was judged by Julia Donaldson CBE and won by 9-year-old Maya Wasserman. Maya worked with a team of writers to transform her winning story into a children’s storybook, illustrated by young deaf illustrator Lucy Rogers.

The Quest for the Cockle Implant features deaf mermaid Angel, who wears two cochlear implants. The story includes British Sign Language (BSL) and deaf awareness tips. A full BSL translation of the story is available via the Signed Stories app.




Under the sea illustration
Mermaid illustration
Merkitty Illustration
Mermaids illustration
Mermaids reading a book illustration
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